Brother Duffy’s Funeral Mass
Brother Duffy’s Funeral Mass
Mr. Duffy's Funeral Mass will be on Monday, December 30, @ 11 am, at St. Patrick's Church. There will be a reception to follow in the school cafeteria, downstairs in the old church.
Dots on the calendar indicate events scheduled for that day. Click on a dot to view more details about the event.
Sunday, January 5th, from 8 am - 1 pm. Our goal is to collect 22 units, so we want to try to fill the schedule with 38 signs ups to account for no-shows and deferrals! All donors will be entered to win a trip to the Superbowl. Knights of Columbus Council #10246 is partnering with the […]
Fredericksburg District 11 is hosting the Virginia State Council Mid-Year Meeting. Our council has been tasked with providing two people for each event. We would sincerely appreciate your support.
This is the 50th year that the Rappahannock Assembly has sponsored this event to commemorate the drafting of the Virginia Religious Freedom Amendment, which became the basis for the country's First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. The Religious Freedom Parade is considered an official activity of the City of Fredericksburg as well as the […]
The Men's Day of Recollection will occur on January 18 and begin after the 9:00 AM Mass. Below is the tentative schedule: 0900 0930 Mass at St Patrick’s church all participants are encouraged to attend 0950 1000 Coffee and light snacks at St Patrick Parish Hall 1010 -1055 Presentation & discussion on a topic. 1100 […]