• Where it asks for Preferred Local Council, enter 10246
  • Promo Code enter BLESSEDMCGIVNEY you will not be charged via the website to join.


Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to practical Catholic MEN in union with the Holy See. Members must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. A practical Catholic lives up to the Commandments of God and the teachings of the Church. There is a link to apply below

All priests and religious brothers having completed their membership application and participated in the ceremonials become honorary life members of the Order and are exempt from payment of dues.

Once you apply, our council will contact you to confirm your eligibility. Once confirmed the council will vote on the application (usually a yes) then we will arrange for you to participate in an exemplification ceremony where we complete the three degrees within about 40 minutes. Our council usually holds the ceremony on a Saturday after the morning Mass. Otherwise, we may work with another local council to participate in their ceremony if your schedule requires it.

There are modest initiation fees and dues set by subordinate councils under regulations established by the Supreme Council. The insurance privileges are available to all members who can qualify, which represents an important advantage of membership. For men in every walk of life the name Knights of Columbus engenders the image of a united organization, efficiently going about it tasks of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism and defense of the priesthood. It is composed of men who are giving unselfishly of their time and talents in service of God and their country.

Membership in the Knights of Columbus provides the opportunity for wholesome association with companions who are, first of all, practical Catholic gentlemen. It offers the opportunity for fellowship with those who are like-minded, who recognize the same duty to God, to family and to neighbor and who stand side by side in defense of those beliefs.

Our programs appeal to the varied interests of our members and give each member a chance to include their family in many of those programs. Our members strengthen their bonds of faith, charity, unity, and fraternity while serving their Church, their country, and their fellow man.

You have read this far. Will you consider joining our ranks?

Before you click the link you will need some information for the online application

  • Preferred Local Council:10246
  • Member Referral Number: (you can skip this, or if a Knight has given you his member number, enter it here)
  • Church Parish Name: St Patrick Catholic Church
  • Church Parish City: Fredericksburg
  • Church Parish State: Virginia

We will collect your dues when you complete the exemplification ceremony.   

  • Where it asks for Preferred Local Council, enter 10246
  • Promo Code enter BLESSEDMCGIVNEY you will not be charged via the website to join.