• Where it asks for Preferred Local Council, enter 10246
  • Promo Code enter BLESSEDMCGIVNEY you will not be charged via the website to join.

Men’s Day of Recollection Information and Sign-Up

The Men’s Day of Recollection will occur on January 18 and begin after the 9:00 AM Mass.

Below is the tentative schedule:

  • 0900 0930 Mass at St Patrick’s church all participants are encouraged to attend
  • 0950 1000 Coffee and light snacks  at St Patrick Parish Hall
  • 1010 -1055  Presentation & discussion on a topic.
  • 1100 -1130  Lunch provided
  • 1130 – 1145 Reflection  Small group break out How can you apply today’s message in your life
  • 1145 1200  Rosary and Closing Prayer

Since Lunch will be provided at no cost to the participants, we need a good count for the number of attendees.  Please register at this link: https://forms.gle/evLSMrGE9u8cqrxj8

Fr.  Rich Miserendino, the Chaplin at the University of Mary Washinton, will be our presenter.  His topic for discussion and prayerful reflection will be relevant to men of all ages. You do not need to be a member of the Knights of Columbus or a member of our Parish.  Men from ages 18-108 are welcome to attend.  If you have a Catholic or even curious “non-denominational” friend who may be interested in digging deeper into their faith and how to apply it to their daily lives, please invite that man to attend.

  • Where it asks for Preferred Local Council, enter 10246
  • Promo Code enter BLESSEDMCGIVNEY you will not be charged via the website to join.