Brother Randy needs your help…he was asked to prepare a luncheon/dinner by the Fredericksburg council for Religious Freedom Day!
This is the 50th year that the Rappahannock Assembly has sponsored this event to commemorate the drafting of the Virginia Religious Freedom Amendment, which became the basis for the country’s First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. The Religious Freedom Parade is considered an official activity of the City of Fredericksburg and the State Council Knights of Columbus.Since it is on the day following the State Council mid-year meeting, it will be attended by a significant number of state council dignitaries and members. Additionally, a group from the Knights of Templar and several churches and other organizations will attend. The luncheon is for all participants in the parade and ceremony.
We need volunteers to prepare, serve, set up, and clean up for approximately 100 people following the Religious Freedom parade. Randy needs the volunteers from 11:00 to 2:00 or 3:00 PM.
If you can help for any portion of that time, that would be greatly appreciated. So far, Randy has 3 volunteers to help, and he needs 12. Please consider this request, as we want to do our share to support these District and State events.
Please email Randy directly if you can help